Friday, September 02, 2011

there's nothing like pregnant brains

i've always been open about my disdain about being pregnant. it's not a secret that i hate being pregnant. i love my son to death and i will do anything i can for him but seriously? being pregnant sucks! i feel like this body's not my own anymore and neither are my brains. my friend lauren warned me that i was going to have "pregnant brains." she told me that pregnant women lose a lot of brain cells when they're pregnant and that's why they're so forgetful. i didn't take her seriously and actually made fun of her. she also told me that my tummy was going to hurt everytime i blow my nose (i have really bad allergies and i'm constantly blowing my nose everytime i smell harsh perfumes or get near dust). i didn't believe her when she told me that either. and now, i'm regretting not taking her seriously. my badd, lauren!

now that i'm pregnant, i find myself getting frustrated because i can't find things or i stop talking mid-sentence because i don't remember what i wanted to say. like today for example, i was enjoying my frozen melon gatorade. i overly froze it so i have to scrape the icy part with a plastic spoon. i love drinking/eating it like that because nothing soothes a pregnant woman more than cold stuff (cold water, ice, ice cream, popsicles, etc.). i put my gatorade down because i shifted my body in my bed and being that my tummy is so big now, it takes up a lot of energy to even change positions. i also wanted to change the channel i was watching so i was browsing through the tv guide. i found a channel i liked and proceeded to look for my plastic spoon so i can continue to enjoy my gatorade. i spent 5 whole minutes looking for my damn plastic spoon; moving my pillows around, getting up to check if i sat on it, and basically looking everywhere, including the trash. knowing myself, i probably threw it in the trash can by accident. but no. i couldn't find my plastic spoon anywhere. i was so frustrated because i didn't want to go downstairs to get another plastic spoon. it's such a bitch going up and down the stairs with my heavy belly and loose pelvic ligaments. it's an everyday struggle, no joke. so i finally said "fuck it" and just grabbed my gatorade so i can drink what little liquid it had. so what do i find?! my plastic spoon inside my gatorade!!! ain't this a bitch?! i literally rolled my eyes and stabbed my icy gatorade with a whole lot of attitude.

there's also been a couple of incidents where i would call out the name of whoever i was with and when they would reply, i'd just tell them, "oh, i'm sorry. i forgot what i was about to say." that shit's so embarrassing! anyone who knows me knows they can't bullshit with me because i remember everything they tell me even as far as five years ago. i remember specifics, too. like what the person was wearing, where they said what they said, how the said it, etc. now, i can't even remember wtf i'm supposed to do or what i've eaten a few hours ago. how pathetic is that?! i've asked my mommy friends when i will get my regular brains back and sadly, almost all of them told me that you never really get it back. fact is, your memory just won't be as sharp as it used to be. well, this fucking blows! i didn't know that in order to have my baby, i have to lose my brains :( now i'm wondering if there are any programs out there that can help me retain my memory. i've even so much as asked my friend Derick for help.

sighs. i'd write more but i forgot what i wanted to bitch and complain about.


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